The Beaumonts (A) - Round 7
Last round at the Beaumonts, Aurélie and Alexandre transitioned into teens, Adelaide reached her LTW of being Chief of Staff and got a new one: to max all 7 skills. Armand continued to work toward his LTW of being Education Minister, slowly but surely. Let's see how the family and Abbey do this round.
The Spring season started off well, with Alexandre excelling as usual at school and even managing to gain himself a mechanical skill point with his science fair project.

Armand, too, had a spot of good luck when he scored some tickets to the ballet. They weren't exactly what was expected, but he loved the performance anyway, as did Adelaide.
Alexandre excelled at making friends, too. He brought home Marquez Villalobos from Rosebud Academy one afternoon, and the two made friends quickly. Alex was such a friendly, pleasant boy that it was almost impossible for anyone not to like him.
Working hard still, Armand finally brought home another promotion, to High School Principle. He didn't really enjoy the job, as he felt it was more like being a Teenage Police Officer than doing anything worthwhile in the education field, but he hoped not to be stuck in the position for long.
Nevertheless, a promotion was a promotion, and Adelaide and Armand celebrated accordingly that night. It was a blessing, they knew, that after all this time, they still loved each other as much as they did the very first day. Their birthdays were fast approaching, and they would soon grow into an old woman and man, but their hearts were healthy as ever when it came to loving one another.
Armand was the first to go, and Aurélie and Alex teased him by putting as many candles on the cake as they could possibly fit.
As he aged, his hair seemed to grow gray, and his back stooped slightly. Elderdom felt heavy on his tired shoulders, but he had much to be grateful for. He ate his cake with relish.

Adelaide was next, and the twins played the same mischievous trick with her cake candles. She was delighted, though, to finally move from the stage in her life where she had to be responsible for so much and so many other people to the phase where she could begin to relax and enjoy her life.

It was hard for her to accept the changes that came over her body, but Armand quickly assured her that she was as beautiful as ever, and the faint female ego in her was soothed.

Both Aurélie and Alexandre, though, were concerned with their impending college entrance. They knew their family wasn't made of money, so they worked hard to acquire skills they thought might be attractive to Sim State University officials. Together, they restored an old car, increasing their mechanical knowledge.

[[Author's Notes: This family is so cute. I really love the relationship between Aurélie and Alexandre. I can totally picture him making friends and her adopting them later because he's the sweetie and she's so headstrong. They are pretty inseperable. I look forward to seeing what happens with them in college and adulthood. Adelaide finally reached her LTW, so she's fast on her way to achieving her second of maxing all 7 skills, but Armand is still slowly slowly SLOWLY chugging along on reaching the TOC in Education. I guess I'm spoiled by my adults usually having a lot of skills already, so my poor little CAS sim is suffering his way slowly to the top. He'll make it, and then it'll be all blissful retirement for the both of them. Yay. Aurélie and Alex leave for Uni next round, so they'll have the house to themselves in their old age. It should be pretty sweet.
Most awkward friendly visit ever. She's really not good at making friends. // Never seen this pet response before; how funny! // With an age meter that full? Dream a little dream, buddy.]]
awww, your first group of adults aging into elders! Armand kinda looks a little crotchety in his old age, lol. The twins are pretty darling and the rivalry is really cute :)
HAHA, doesn't he look like a mean old bastard? It kind of cracks me up. :')
I'm looking forward to playing the twins as YAs and adults. Not really sure what's going to happen.
I was gonna say that Armand looked pretty good as an elder. I guess I'm wrong! And it's weird how some sims are SO SLOW at reaching TOC.
Oh, I definitely think he looks handsome, he just also looks like he's got a tad of grumpy old man syndrome, haha.
He's been one, along with Colm Cleary, who just struggled and struggled forever to get there, so I'm glad he finally made it in the next round. It's a load off me for sure.
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