
Nerissa Villalobos, Adult Knowledge Sim, 2nd LTW Become Mad Scientist

Catalina Villalobos, Adult Fortune Sim, 2nd LTW Become World Class Ballet Dancer
Last time at the Villalobos house, Nerissa and Catalina had to adjust to Guillermo being gone, away at university. They purchased and visited their first vacation home in the mountains. Catalina reached the top of the show business career, and she and Nerissa enjoyed the new quiet of the house when it came to romance. What will happen this round? We'll find out.

With the house to themselves for the first time ever, Catalina and Nerissa took some time to adjust, but the longer they enjoyed having the house to themselves, the more they enjoyed occupying themselves however they saw fit. For Catalina, that was in making new friends.

For Nerissa, it was working on her pottery skills. Barely able to make a dish at first, Nerissa slowly worked at her new hobby and read books that guided her toward better products, improving every day.

They even indulged in some mutual hobbies, the latest being the adoption of a cockatoo that they named Diana.

Catalina took the time to teach Diana to speak and even hold what seemed like conversations with humans who paid enough attention to her to speak with her. The house seemed quiet with only two voices, but soon enough there was a third, slightly squeaky voice in their presence.

Catalina took over primary care of Diana and quickly became fond of the bird. As for Diana, she enjoyed any interaction she got with her owners and was as delighted to have a session of play with either of the women in the house as the women were themselves.

Nerissa, too, came to be fond of Diana, though she'd been afraid of her sharp claws and beak at first. Both women found that Diana was a neutral party in the house to whom they could "talk" when the silence of the house became a little bit TOO peaceful.

Aside from spending time with and getting to know Diana, Nerissa continued to work on her pottery skills and eventually managed to earn a silver talent badge in the skill.

Crafting all these hand-made goodies made her begin to think of possibilities she hadn't considered before. Perhaps they could start a small home business or even an online business selling the pottery that Nerissa created. Maybe they could even take special orders over the internet. Nerissa's clever mind began to whirl around the possibilities for turning her hobby into a potential money-maker.

Apparently, the good fortune of the two women had become general knowledge in the community, and they were the sad victims of a breaking and entering.

The police officer summoned by the burglar alarm responded quickly enough and apprehended the suspect, but Nerissa and Catalina were still left uneasy at the idea that their home was vulnerable. The fact that they were getting older didn't calm them any in this respect. Catalina thought she may have a solution for scaring off potential predators in Rosebud, but she couldn't be certain it was really a good idea...perhaps she could look into it later and contemplate the consequences before taking any action.
[[Author's Notes: These two were in a holding pattern in round 9 because I was trying to decide what to do with them. I think I know now, thanks a lot to those who offered their opinions and input on the matter. Exciting things will happen in round 11, so stay tuned. No bloopers this time.]]
The calm before the storm, maybe?
I think the picture with the snow covered clay is reaching blooper status :)
Definitely the calm before the storm. Though I just played this house in round 11 (I play one round ahead), and it was more of a light shower followed by more calm. Very exciting for me though!
These two are sweet! It must be kinda hard to spin frozen pottery Nerissa, she deserves the silver badge, lol. I'm excited to see what you're plotting ::winks::
They are pretty sweet, hence my guilt over the upcoming plotting! Now Cat is jealous of Nerissa's mad pottery skillz and wants a badge too. Sigh. Oh well.
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