
Kimi Tanaka, Elder Romance Sim, 2nd LTW Become Celebrity Chef
Last round at the Tanaka house, Kimi had to adjust to life without Takeru in the household. While it was nice to have Donte to keep her company, an ill-timed kiss on a date to the diner angered former lover Arnaud Beaumont and caused Kimi to have problems with knocked over trash cans the entire round. How will she continue to deal with the silence of the house?

One thing Kimi found, with Takeru away, was that she had more time to concentrate on her friendships. Stella, her sister's longtime wife and partner, stopped by one day, and Kimi found surprising happiness in visiting with her old friend. They laughed about their college years together and talked of the aches and pains of getting older.

And best of all, Kimi found someone with whom she could talk about the joys of grilled cheese freely and to her heart's content! Stella didn't have QUITE the love for them that Kimi did, but both could enjoy the melty cheese and toasted bread deliciousness.

Kimi, despite being alone in the house, never found herself bored. She'd acquired quite a number of interesting hobbies over the years, and those kept her happy and occupied. It also made her feel as if she were doing something useful instead of sitting around all the time. Her pottery was always a fun way to get dirty.

She kept up with her interest in music, playing the awesome guitar she'd gotten way back when she was a rock god.

She read frequently on different topics, expanding her general knowledge base until she felt she was a pretty decent Jill of All Trades, able to speak at least somewhat knowledgably on a variety of different subjects.

She even decided that since she was so close to maximizing all of her skills, she may as well go ahead and do it. She considered it her version of trying to read the fifty most boring books in the world before she died.

And last but not least, she saw Donte, though they kept their dates to her house after the Arnaud debacle. He was older now too and the two of them had only grown closer throughout the years.

Finally, as what seemed like her reward for thriving so well, she got the thing she most desired: Takeru, recently graduated from college, rejoined her at the end of the season and filled up the house and her heart to full capacity. She knew she didn't have much longer on the mortal coil, and having him home made her content in a way she hadn't ever felt in her life. Her house was a home again.
[[Author's Notes: Surprisingly, Kimi doesn't bore me like some of my elders do. She's got a billion hobbies, so there's always something for her to get into, and she's always got wants to engage in said hobbies. Since she's a romance sim, I always give into her desire to have at least a date or two per round, and Donte is her preferred guy. I have to be honest, Takeru wasn't supposed to move back in until the beginning of the next round, round 12, but her meter was so full by the last day that I got terrified she'd die and the house would be left empty. So I moved him back in on the final day of the season and figure that's not cheating TOO badly, since it was only about 24 hours before he was scheduled to come back. Looking forward to seeing his life start out in round 12 but dreading losing pretty little Kimi. :( No bloopers this round. ]]
Awww, I love Kimi! She's come a long way from her wild Romancer ways and she seems happy and content in whatever she decides to spend her time with. I'm glad you let her spend some time with Take before she kicks the bucket... although she might surprise you and last through another round even with a full age meter.
Well, she has to at least last until Take gets married. After all, how many times in one sim's life do they get to see their only child marry a (natural) three-bolt love!? I can't wait to see her in your hood! <3
Ugh, my comments never stick because I keep forgetting to write the control word.
At least I was here! :)
Haha, I hate those dumb captchas. Half the time, I haven't the faintest idea what they're supposed to be saying!
Kimi seems a very happy elder!
She really is, which makes me happy because she's so close to my heart. Always finds something to do. :)
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