University Round 5 - Part 1 - Villalobos Household
Last time we saw Cat and Diego, they were living in the Landgrabb Dorms with their sister Dorotea and Inari Tanaka. As they moved into the second half of their college careers, however, they decided to switch things up a little - moving into a private house on campus with their girlfriends. Let's see how they do with the new living arrangement!
Being young adults and living in their own place on campus with their significant others was an exciting and new thing for the Villalobos YAs. They'd always been well-behaved kids, and they still were, but there was decidedly more freedom to be less than...well...precisely well-mannered.
It didn't take long before Diego and Amber, drawn by the pull of a double bed and years together in a relationship, found their way under its sheets together.
Diego felt like a naughty little boy who'd gotten away with something, and Amber simply felt grateful to have such a sweet, thoughtful boyfriend living with her.
Meanwhile, in another bedroom, Nerissa and Catalina were getting closer too. They'd known each other since they were children, and they'd only last year shared their first kiss. Sex, and even more, sex with another woman was so foreign to both of them that they could hardly imagine it.
Poor imaginations or not, they soon found themselves learning very quickly.
It was...heaven. Not only did this cement their knowledge of their sexuality, it cemented their understanding that they were meant to be together. They couldn't wait to finish college and begin their lives together. If Inari's older sister could do it, so could they.
Begin their lives together they did, with a bang, when Nerissa woke up puking one morning and went to the university health center only to find out she was pregnant.
Before long, she was already showing. She didn't even know such a thing was possible, and she certainly wasn't expecting it after her first time! Not that she wasn't happy. She could still go to class and live with the others in the certainly took less time than a real-life job, she figured.
She grew rapidly, but her youthful energy made the pregnancy seem to fly by without too much intolerable discomfort.
Too much discomfort, that was, until...
Labor was surprisingly swift for a first time birth, agonizing, and mercifully happened while Cat was there to support her.
Nerissa was exhausted and simultaneously delighted when their little baby boy gave his first scream.
That night, they welcomed into the world Guillermo Chan, who has Catalina's mother's brown hair, both his mother's skin tones, and Catalina's eyes. Life went on as usual in the Villalobos house, with all the YAs going to classes and taking turns cooking or taking care of Guillermo.
It seemed like merely weeks before he was already growing into an adorable toddler. Nerissa took to mothering surprisingly well. Catalina had a strange motherly air about her all the time, though she was definitely the "tough" mother while Nerissa was the more nurturing one.
Guillermo wasn't an unpleasant child, though he was very serious and very active. He spent most of his days with the educational tools in the room the housemates had converted into a nursery.
Catalina and Nerissa took turns teaching Guillermo the skills he needed, from potty training... talking. Everyone was starting to really get used to and enjoy having the little one toddling around the house.
Apparently, Amber and Diego enjoyed it too much. Sure enough, despite the fact that she was on birth control (though she was bad at remembering it and frequently missed days), Amber managed to get pregnant from one of she and Diego's date-night romps.
It was a good thing Nerissa hadn't thrown away her maternity clothes. Amber was needing them in no time.
Diego, who was more than delighted at the idea of having a baby with Amber, was also more than delighted to propose as soon as he could afford a small but classy ring.
Amber was surprised at the suddenness, but Diego was so heartfelt and so dear that she couldn't possibly say no. They didn't even wait to have a wedding - simply went to a justice of the peace and figured they could have a big party once they got back to Rosebud.
Amber was really surprised at how large her belly got. It was really depressing to see her washboard abs disappear behind baby weight.
And while Amber was growing, so was Guillermo. It was soon time for his birthday.
He grew into a precocious child who most definitely had the Villalobos cheekbones.
With Guillermo a child now and a new baby on the way, something had to be done to make more room in the house. With all of their scholarship money pooled together, the YAs managed to add a tiny second floor with a spiral staircase winding its way up from his mothers' room.
It held just enough room for his bed, a window and some toys. Guillermo loved his little tower room, and it was just in time for baby number two.
Life went on calmly for a while, but there wasn't to be peace and quiet in the household too much longer.
One morning, Amber rose from bed, awakened by the pains in her stomach, and she knew she was going into labor. She yelled for Diego, but strangely, he didn't come running. She knew...or thought, anyway...that he was in the house, but what was taking him so long?
Sadly for Daddy Diego, he missed the birth of his first child, Marquez Villalobos.
Marquez turned out to be a darling little child with his parents' coloring - skin and eyes - and his mother's hair color. Amber and Diego immediately settled in to the mommy/daddy life.
Nerissa and Catalina continued to raise Guillermo as best they knew how.
Their methods seemed to be working, as he was a chipper, well-adjusted child who made friends easily and did well in school.
Sports were his favorite pastime, and so Nerissa and Catalina splurged on a soccer net for the yard, even though the whole house enjoyed using it.
Nerissa and Guillermo played most, though. There was little he loved more than scoring one on his mom.
As for Marquez, he didn't stay an infant for long, growing like a little weed. His birthday came and went, and he grew into a supremely sweet toddler.

Once he learned to walk, he toddled all over the house, particularly tending to follow Amber around as she went about her business cleaning or writing papers.
The rest of the time, he snuggled his teddy bear. It was as if the young child couldn't stand to be without company of some sort.
He even loved having Guillermo for company, despite the differences in the boys' personalities. And Guillermo found he liked the little guy long as he didn't have a dirty diaper, yuck.
But their little home was about to change. It was graduation time, and Diego and Catalina went first.

The two siblings had to get back to Rosebud so they could set up homes and prepare for their wives and children to follow soon after. It was like a grand adventure, and even though they were terrified and saddened that they wouldn't have Santiago to help them, they knew they could do it if they stuck together.
So, soon it was just Nerissa, Amber, Guillermo, and Marquez in the house. With the two women, child care wasn't really an issue, as one or the other of them was always home.
While the Villalobos siblings were gone, another birthday came around - Marquez was becoming a little boy.
He grew up into what Amber swore was the absolute cutest little boy that ever walked the face of the planet. Not that she was biased or anything.

And just after that, Guillermo grew into a very handsome teen, growing into his chin a bit.
But he was still the same Guillermo - loving to score a goal on his mother. In a few days, Amber and Nerissa graduated, and they and the kids packed it up and headed home to Rosebud.
Stay tuned to see how the other six uni kids fared this round in the Urele Cham house.

Once he learned to walk, he toddled all over the house, particularly tending to follow Amber around as she went about her business cleaning or writing papers.

The two siblings had to get back to Rosebud so they could set up homes and prepare for their wives and children to follow soon after. It was like a grand adventure, and even though they were terrified and saddened that they wouldn't have Santiago to help them, they knew they could do it if they stuck together.

And just after that, Guillermo grew into a very handsome teen, growing into his chin a bit.

Stay tuned to see how the other six uni kids fared this round in the Urele Cham house.
Two new sims (Guillermo & Marquez): +2
Four summa cum laude graduates (Cat, Diego, Amber, Nerissa): +4
[[Author's Notes: This was SO MUCH FUN TO PLAY! I swear, my uni teens are uberfertile. I did not mean at all for either Nerissa nor Amber to get preggers, and they were even on birth control, but to no avail. It's alright though, because what cute kids! Especially Marquez, who I think is the absolute most adorable sim child I've ever seen! Who would have guessed Amber and Diego's DNA were so compatible? Guillermo's name, by the way, has no real-life namesake...I just thought Guillermo was funny and doubly funny when paired with the last name Chan. As for Marquez, his name is a nod to one of my fave authors, Gabriel Garcia-Marquez. Not much else I think I have to say this round other than don't worry - Guillermo didn't transition into a YA just after his birthday. I wasn't aware of this danger until Liz mentioned it to me, but I think I was saved by the InTeen feature that gives teens a set length of time to be in high school before "graduating" and no longer having to go. Thanks InTeen! Can't wait to get to these kiddies back in the 'hood.
This Entry's MP3:
I have been so lazy with this lately because I blog at work. Perhaps I will eliminate the feature after all.
I really like the sim weatherman. // No! // Congratulations, Daddy! // Mascots and babies are apparently like chocolate and peanut butter. // More weatherman funniness. // Best reaction shot ever.]]
Two new sims (Guillermo & Marquez): +2
Four summa cum laude graduates (Cat, Diego, Amber, Nerissa): +4
[[Author's Notes: This was SO MUCH FUN TO PLAY! I swear, my uni teens are uberfertile. I did not mean at all for either Nerissa nor Amber to get preggers, and they were even on birth control, but to no avail. It's alright though, because what cute kids! Especially Marquez, who I think is the absolute most adorable sim child I've ever seen! Who would have guessed Amber and Diego's DNA were so compatible? Guillermo's name, by the way, has no real-life namesake...I just thought Guillermo was funny and doubly funny when paired with the last name Chan. As for Marquez, his name is a nod to one of my fave authors, Gabriel Garcia-Marquez. Not much else I think I have to say this round other than don't worry - Guillermo didn't transition into a YA just after his birthday. I wasn't aware of this danger until Liz mentioned it to me, but I think I was saved by the InTeen feature that gives teens a set length of time to be in high school before "graduating" and no longer having to go. Thanks InTeen! Can't wait to get to these kiddies back in the 'hood.
This Entry's MP3:
I have been so lazy with this lately because I blog at work. Perhaps I will eliminate the feature after all.
I really like the sim weatherman. // No! // Congratulations, Daddy! // Mascots and babies are apparently like chocolate and peanut butter. // More weatherman funniness. // Best reaction shot ever.]]
holy cow Babys!!! I really like the pregnancy possibility at Uni, it really adds to the playing I think. It's really funny that Guillermo repeatedly kicks his mama's butt at soccer, hehe. His name really makes me laugh too :) and OMG Marquez is really the cutest sim-kid ever. He'd better roll family so he can pass those genes on to many many more babies!
P.S. If you look closely, I think Nerissa and Amber have the same face template -- which explains why they are both beautiful and why those Villalobos kids like them so much!
I'm caught up! Woo!
And Marquez really is cute. Also, I need to start checking the weather more often.
Yay! And sorry to tell you, but now there are seven more posts, with more on the way!
I love Marquez :') Such an adorable kid. That was a good gene pairing right there.
For a while, I thought the weather channel was more fun for my nature sims to watch. Turns out, that's not the case, but it's still entertaining to pop in once in a while now that I know the meteorologist is so funny. :)
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