University - Round 5 - Part 2: Urele Cham House
At the very beginning of the round, Dorotea Villalobos and Inari Tanaka, the two sims left in the Landgrabb Dorms after Cat and Diego moved out, decided to move on up to the Greek House with the four existing students living there. This made for a grand total of six sims in my house, which was a little nuts but fun.
First things first, Dorotea's boyfriend Connor Dawn decided to propose to her, as they both wanted to get married someday and there was no reason to wait.Of course, she said yes. I have high hopes for the future of these two. They're cute. P.S. Can you believe that spindly afro kid turned out so handsome? Me either!
Aw, blue rings all around.
The six YAs got along well. Inari and Aki were delighted to be back together in the same living quarters, and the house finally started to have a greek house feel. With six people, it always managed to feel like a little party was going on.
Alain, not the smartest cookie in the jar, electrocuted himself trying to repair the trash compacter instead of waiting for Tara, who has all ten mechanical points. Dumb, impatient boy.
Inari and Dot make sure he doesn't drop dead.
Meadow and Inari started to become friends, primarily because they both adored the outdoors and anything nature related. Meadow managed to get her silver gardening badge.
Inari was delighted to be able to fish right outside her house instead of having to go to the local park to do it. Plus, it cut back on grocery bills.
In keeping with her newly chosen aspiration, Tara continued to get more geniusy.
And Dot discovered that she enjoyed joining Tara outside for her morning workouts by the pond. Not only was it beautiful scenery, but Tara's level of physical fitness was something to shoot for.
Alain pined for his beloved and worked on his creativity skill.
Meadow wished for something she already had. But then again, she is my first sim ever to harvest any veggies that were not bland. Yay, Meadow!
Maxed creativity skill, woot!
Mercifully, no satellite deaths occurred.
During Dot's date with Connor, lightning caught the Breadfruit Tree on fire, which kind of put a damper on attempting a dream date. I thought if I could just get the fire put out, they could continue.
Unfortunately, Sim State apparently boasts the only completely blind fire department in history. The tree simply burned to cinders after a few hours.
Soon enough, it was time for...
Alain and Inari were the same, but unfortunately, I didn't remember to snap a SS of their panels. A whole new round of kiddies now await in the sim bin to be injected back into the neighborhood. Fun and terrifying as my game grows exponentially!
This animation always cracks me up. // This must have fallen off the back of a truck, because he doesn't have this kind of cash. // They're all really close. :) // Bad timing. // HA! She doesn't like being chastised, apparently!
YAY for college posts. I'm glad Dot's townie beau turned out handsome (I'm pretty sure that face template has good genes associated with it). I can definitely vouch for 6 sims in one house being hard to handle. I can't wait to see them all back in the hood :)
Me too! I was like...uh, great, afro kid is her perfect match?? But with a little makeover and new clothes, he looks great! I think their genes will mesh well.
Smack me, please, if I ever put that many uni kids in a house at once again. O.o
I love that "Drink Mitch" want.
Haha, I know, how random, right?
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