
Guillermo Chan, Adult Family Sim, LTW Marry Off 6 Children

Aurélie Beaumont, Adult Family Sim, LTW Marry Off 6 Children
Last round at the Beaumont house, Aurélie and Guillermo worked hard to decorate their downtown lot with lots of trees. They both worked hard at their respective careers, Aurélie reaching the top of the Paranormal career track and Guillermo reaching the top of the Dance career. Then Aurélie got bitten by the pack leader and turned into a werewolf and immediately brought Guillermo along for the ride. When we left them at the end of the round, Aurélie was pregnant for the first time.

The round started off immediately with some bad blood. When Takeru Tanaka had married his new bride Daisy in a night ceremony, Guillermo had taken out his wolfy bloodlust on father of the groom, Donte. It sparked a serious case of distaste between the two men.

A SERIOUS case. Guillermo, now bereft of all conscience because of his new lupine genes, had no compunctions about picking a fight with an old man.

Amusingly enough to everyone but Guillermo, Donte won and trounced his werewolf, mean, full-body-pointed younger competitor.

He indulged in some very unmanly crying in the den. Sorry, Guillermo, but I don't really feel bad for you. Don't pick fights with old men!

Of course, Donte wasn't exactly an innocent party. He continued to wander by the house and try to make trouble, but mostly, the SentryBot Guillermo had installed kept Donte's vandalism in line.

Aurélie continued to grow into her pregnancy and her werewolfism. In fact, she frequently felt as if she were more alive at night than at any time of the day.

She and Guillermo didn't bother to try to control their wilder instincts, especially when it came to woohooing on the bench in the wooded areas of their lot. And even if she was already pregnant.

The morning when Aurélie's water finally broke, she was almost
wishing it had come during her wolfy time. Then maybe it wouldn't have hurt so darn bad!

She and Guillermo were blessed that day with two little girls, whom they named Aline and Caroline, sticking to Aurélie's French heritage since Guillermo was a bit of a mutt. No pun intended.

Aline had brown eyes and Guillermo's face shape, while Caroline had black hair and favored her mother's facial structure. Both had brown eyes.

Surprisingly, despite the wolfish influence of their newfound werewolf heritage, Guillermo and Aurélie were exceptional parents.

Especially Guillermo seemed to delight in his little girls and spent most of his waking hours, whether during the day or at night, tending to them.

He and Aurélie still found time to spend together, of course, especially since their family was only a third of the size they truly wanted it to be.

They were young, and Aurélie was fertile, and soon she was showing familiar signs of pregnancy once again. She loved the idea of having more children, but she definitely could have done without the morning sickness.

Soon, she was showing again, and she was off work once more to take care of the new child growing inside her. It helped to have the maternity leave in order to help raise the oldest twins, too.

It also was about to be even more handy because the infants were having their first birthday and officially becoming toddlers.

Aline grew up first, demonstrating even more how she looked like her father. Aurélie thought Guillermo was handsome, but she couldn't help silently hoping that her eldest daughter grew out of or into the unusual face shape.

Caroline came next, definitely looking like Aline's sister but favoring Aurélie's face shape more similarly.

Both girls were extremely grouchy and extremely messy, which really wasn't a surprise given how their parents' personalities had changed after being wolfified.

Following the girls' birthday came the days of serious double-parenting duties. Who knew that toddlers required so much attention and teaching? For a while, Aurélie and Guillermo had to put off the nighttime rendezvous to their wooded bench.

Not that either of them minded too much. Sure, the werewolf instinct was powerful, but their family natures were even more powerful.

Plus, the girls were adorable learning and playing in the new nursery that Aurélie and Guillermo had put in as an addition to the third floor of the house. They couldn't wait to have more children.

The only time their children became too much for Aurélie to handle was when Guillermo had to go to work. For those rare occasions (his schedule was light), they hired a nanny to assist Aurélie in child care, and that worked out really well, especially since Aurélie was so exhausted from being pregnant most of the time.

Their schedules weren't destined to get any lighter, though, as Aurélie went into labor for the second time in her life.

Another set of twin girls was the result of Aurélie and Guillermo's second try. Guillermo obviously wasn't shooting out any Y-chromosomes. These two girls, the happy parents named Sophie and Susannah, and their little family grew from four to six in one evening.

Aurélie and Guillermo settled their new babies in, and she immediately set to work making them a midnight feast. The craving for meat was strongest then, and the two new parents celebrated with a feast of steak.

It wasn't long, however, before they were back in bed trying again. Two more children, and they could finally be on their way to achieving their wildest dreams.
[[Author's Notes: Okay, so both sets of twins were cheesecake twins, I admit. I wanted them to get all the children born in really quick succession so that Aurélie and Guillermo weren't dying off before the last of the children can graduate college and get married. Aline's face really worries me, as I was hoping to sort of breed out that awful jaw-to-chin ratio that Guillermo has (HOW DID TWO SUCH PRETTY SIMS PRODUCE HIS FACE, ANYWAY?), but maybe I'll be surprised and she'll turn into a gorgeous girl. After all, Guillermo's face shape was the combination of two female faces, so maybe that same combo will look better on her. I thought Gina Vinci was going to look really unfortunate judging from her toddler face-shape, but she ended up being one of my prettiest sims, so we shall see. Next round: more twinz for these two, and then the insanity of them trying to raise that enormous passel of kids. Few bloopers for you.
I really thought getting in a fight with Guillermo was a bad decision for Donte. I mean, would you fight a guy with these stats, who could also eat you? // Invisible shower occupant. // I'm not sure if she's horrified by his newly hairy body or the fact that he's naked. // Yeah, that's gonna be fun to deal with. ]]
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