
Caitlin Vinci, Elder Family Sim, 2nd LTW Raise 20 Puppies or Kittens (LOL)

Paolo Vinci, Elder Family Sim, LTW Have 6 Grandchildren

Leo Vinci, Adult Family Sim, LTW Become Captain Hero

Doyle Vinci, Teen Family Sim, LTW Graduate 3 Children From College

Mario Vinci, Child Family Sim, LTW Grow Up Well

Luigi Vinci, Child Romance Sim, LTW Grow Up Well
Last round at the Vinci house, things were crazy as usual. This house is never boring. Caitlin reached her lifetime want while Paolo found that it was harder to raise toddlers the older you got. Gina and Giovanni helped their parents out with the younger kids as much as they could. Mario and Luigi aged well into children, and Doyle aged well into a teenager. Gio and Gina eventually went off to university near the end of the round. Caitlin aged well into an elder (finally, her childbearing years are over, woot!), and everyone was generally content, as is the standard in this house. Let's check in on them this round, when Leo rejoins the household after graduating uni.

The houses in the Vinci house were constantly morphing due to the changing family dynamic brought upon by Caitlin and Paolo's constant procreation, but this time, everyone felt excitement and even relief to see the nursery torn out for good and an adult bedroom take its place. Leo now had a place to rest his head in his own, old home.

The first thing he did as soon as he moved in was to call Michelle Kearney, his first (and only!) love, so he could pop the question.

She said yes, of course, and joined the house, bringing $12,000 with her. Here are Michelle's stats:

Plus, she cleaned up quite nicely.

Michelle was now part of the madness that was the Vinci household, and Leo and his parents couldn't have been more delighted. He'd half-suspected he'd remain a bachelor his entire life, after remaining a virgin until he graduated college. But Michelle was the answer to all that, and she happily settled in to a life with lots of children running around, sweet elderly in-laws, and LOTS of grilled cheese.

Not wanting to wait, they got married in a very informal ceremony on the front lawn in their everyday clothes over a steaming pile of dead cockroaches. It was SOOOOOO romantic. :p

Leo was delighted to be back home. Home was his comfort zone, and he dove back into family affairs as though he'd never left. He'd missed his parents and set about renewing his friendships with Caitlin, Paolo, and his siblings.

A true family sim, he also took an interest in the welfare of his younger siblings. His parents were getting older, and Leo was more than happy to take over the more unpleasant tasks, like going through the tedious application process to private school.

With three adults in the house, it split up the responsibility into manageable chunks. Paolo cooked, Doyle gave the tour, Caitlin schmoozed, and Leo provided appetizing background music for their dinner.

With all of the Vinci children having been accepted previously, the whole affair was more for show than an application process. The headmaster knew that the Vinci children had always been valuable additions to Rosebud Academy, and he was sure this final generation would be no different.

There was definitely a little celebration going on that night in the newlywed bedroom. "I can't wait until we have kids of our own," Leo said wistfully, his poor attempt at pillow talk succeeding nonetheless.

Paolo and Caitlin found that with two more adults in the house and children who were getting older and more self-sufficient, they had more time to focus on their own romantic relationship...even if it did take place in some unlikely places.

I mean, so what if they had a fascination with bathrooms? They were as in love as ever.

With the house filling up again, Doyle decided it was time for him to follow the family tradition and head off to college at a fairly young age. He had already racked up a lot of scholarships anyway, so why postpone it?

Bye, Doyle; see you at uni!

In fact, Doyle left just in time to spare his parents the torture of three teenage boys in the house at the same time. That week was the birthday for the youngest and final Vinci twins.

Hahahaha, oh, Mario....

The boys chose their aspirations and decided what they wanted out of their future potential mates. Mario liked tough girls who didn't remind him of his mom, and Luigi only wanted the prettiest princesses.

Mario finally got his unfortunate skin tone issue solved and got a fancy new CC haircut since I felt guilty for being too stupid to fix him from a two-toned freak into a normal boy earlier.

As for their career choices...well, they were as opposite as they boys' aspirations.

True to form, responsible Mario got a job right off the bat. He wanted to get some experience in his future life career so he could really shoot up the ranks once he got back from college with the necessary degree.

Aaand, it looked like Leo would get his wish for children sooner than he thought when Michelle's belly popped into her new maternity pajamas.

When she popped again a few weeks later, the only major difference was one thing:

The teen boys knew they had to speed up their progress so they could get out and go to university before there was another crying baby in the house.
[[Author's Notes: I will say one thing about the ten kids ltw: it never allows a house to become boring. I still enjoy playing this house even though Paolo and Caitlin are elders because there's constant new blood in the home. This round was busy but not really difficult, as seems to be the usual. I honestly don't think I could have done the 10 kids LTW with any family but this one. Paolo and Caitlin are natural parents, and their kids have all been really well-behaved. Looking forward to seeing how Leo and Michelle's offspring turn out...and hoping they don't have her mouth. They should have some pretty green eyes, though, since Michelle and Leo both have them. A few bloopers for you...
Michelle: My foot feels wet. Why does my foot feel wet? Is it raining? // LOL, nice outfit, Mario.So many things wrong with this: (1)They are cuddling and thinking about bathtubs. (2)They are horrendously embarrassing their children in front of the other kids on the school bus. (3)Even the dog is annoyed that they're blocking the sidewalk. ]]
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