
Diego Villalobos, Elder Fortune Sim, 2nd LTW Become Space Pirate

Amber Villalobos, Elder Popularity Sim, 2nd LTW Become Captain Hero
Last round at the Villalobos house, Amber and Diego were helplessly boring without Marquez around to keep the house lively. Amber tried desperately to earn the wishing well but fell short. Diego joined her in her nature hobby interest, and the two spent a lot of time weeding and fishing. Not much more is in store this round, but let's check in with them anyway, shall we?

Diego and Amber got used to not having a child in the house. Marquez had moved into his own home with his wife Imelda, and that meant his parents had the luxury of truly enjoying the home they'd made for themselves without having to feel like the doddering old grandparents. Diego didn't mourn his elderhood but rather celebrated it. Just because his hair was gray didn't mean he and his friends couldn't whip a bowling ball down the lane in the basement for a satisfying strike.

Amber, too, was spared the dreaded "grandma syndrome," of becoming a live-in grandparent. She could still haul huge fish out of their backyard pond and get on her hands and knees to tend her beloved plants. She and Diego were definitely enjoying the retired life.

Despite Amber's spry knees, however, she still struggled to get the coveted wishing well from the gardening club. They'd even begun to give her money for what a great job she was doing, but the wishing well was still elusive. She was heartbroken to lose her last chance before the growing season ended that year.

Their home was beautifully adorned with decorative plants, not to mention the ones that produced food, and she still couldn't earn her well. It was depressing, but maybe next year...

Diego began to settle into a late-fall routine....finding ways to entertain himself indoors in preparation for the coming winter, when he and Amber's nature interests would curtail themselves.

Of course, life wasn't just what the couple made of it...it was also what happened to them. Their lawn gnome, in particular, kept things interesting that fall with a constant disappearing act.

Amber had to laugh at her husband's seeming delight at their continually disappearing lawn gnome. It made him act like a kid again.

But she had to admit, it was refreshing to see him having so much fun - and good, clean fun. Plus, he always managed to get their gnome back.

Their life was simple and happy. They had everything they needed in the house, from entertaining ways to sustain themselves to other entertainment like friends and each other.

And their friends definitely didn't mind coming over to enjoy the place either.
[[Author's Notes: This house is fairly interesting with Amber's goal of getting the wishing well...I like the nature hobby a lot. But with winter being the next season, I'm afraid they'll be terribly boring. Guess we'll find out. No bloopers for you. ]]
It's a hassle to get the wishing well indeed! I think Amber should have earned it already!
I see other people playing, and it's like BAM, first time, wishing well. I don't understand what they're doing, but I'm contemplating doing an experiment when I get home tonight and creating a flower bed inside a greenhouse so that she can try to earn it even in the winter months.
That sucks about the wishing well -- I think ASimWen has a guide on her blog on how to get enough points for it. Good to see these two enjoying their carefree elder years, it doesn't seem like they're as boring as some of their elderly counterparts in the hood. I forgot who you said would inherit the house, one of Dot's kids?
I'll have to go check it out; I feel like I've been trying and trying for ages. They aren't nearly as boring, and I don't know why, other than the fact that their house is pretty big, and they have lots of stuff to keep them busy.
I have no clue who will inherit this house, but someone will; it's one of my favorites. :)
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