
Steffi Beaumont, Elder Family Sim, LTW Reach Golden Anniversary

Arnaud Beaumont, Elder Romance Sim, 2nd LTW Become Professional Party Guest

Bijou Beaumont, Teen Knowledge Sim, LTW Become Media Magnate
Last round at the Beaumonts', Bastien maxed out his skills and headed off to university with an impressive array of scholarships. Bijou aged well into a beautiful teenager, got a new bedroom, and decided that she wanted to follow in her big brother's footsteps with a knowledge aspiration. She quickly became both a studious and highly popular young lady. Steffi aged well into an elder. Let's see how they get on this round.

Bijou was a bit of a complex creature. Far from a typical nerdy knowledge sim, she wanted both to expand her knowledge AND be the most popular girl in Rosebud. She had already made it a habit of bringing home friends from school, and she had a definite habit of being just a little bit naughty. She loved to sneak out of the house, for instance, but most of the time she did it with her cousin Marc - the safest choice.

After all, she mused, she wasn't just one of the smartest girls in the neighborhood...she was also one of the prettiest. And it wasn't like she was a snob... she had loads of friends! It would have been a shame to hide in her room studying ALL the time...

In the meantime, Steffi realized that she had finally achieved her life's goal: to hit her golden anniversary with Arnaud. She'd known he hadn't really been the type to settle down, having appreciated many of the college girls he'd known, but it made her life feel worth it when she realized that he'd remained faithful to her all these years. She decided to throw a party to celebrate.

It was a true "oldies night," so to speak, and both Steffi and Arnaud laughed at how old they and their friends had become. Of course, Fiona and Enzo came, along with Vincente Villalobos, all long-time friends of the family.

They worked to prove that just because they were
old didn't mean they couldn't party. They smustled until their old hips started to ache.

The happy couple even managed to steal a few minutes dancing with one another. Steffi knew that Arnaud had never imagined being married to the same woman his whole life, but she thought he must have been happy too, that day, seeing how successful their children were becoming and what a nice life they'd led together.

In the end, the oldies managed to throw a rockin' party, and it was well-deserved.

While her parents and their old friends were "partying," Bijou had worked out, trying to really slingshot herself into the highest eschelons of popularity by getting fit. Like the determined girl she was, she met with great success.

Arnaud, after things settled down, got back to writing his novels and providing for his family. After one small party, he didn't think he had it in him to be a professional party guest, so he stuck to his lucrative hobby of writing novels and restaurant guides.

At school that season, Bijou made a decision of sorts. She was not only going to be popular with existing Rosebud school students, she was going to be a downright
ambassador for new students, helping them assimilate better. The first new student she brought home was Tabitha Devivio, a pretty brunette who had a fantastic sense of style, Bijou thought.

The two immediately hit it off, and could barely restrain themselves from interrupting each other as they gossiped, so into the conversation were they.

Her second "project" was Lindsay Wade, a recent transfer from
Silvervale. It was where Tabitha was from too; there seemed to be a few families moving from one town to another. Bijou was not picky. She always brought home girls her own age that she knew could be easily drawn into her circle, liking to make the new girls feel welcome.

Lindsay had a great sense of humor, and the two girls ended up giggling almost constantly the whole time they were together.

Finally, Bijou brought home Vinaya Devivio to hang out. Bijou not only liked to expand her friend circle amongst people from different areas, she was also determined to be friends with people of every race and culture. She thought she probably had the most large and diverse friend group in all of Rosebud!

Vinaya had a wicked sense of gossip, and though Bijou tried to be nice, she had to admit that there was nothing better than a juicy gossip session with Vinaya. That girl seemed to notice EVERYTHING about their classmates!

As much as Bijou focused on her social life, however, she still took her studies very seriously. Her goal was to achieve at least the same goal as her brother Bastien had done: maxing all of her skills before she ever left for college.

So, every night after her friends left, she did her homework and then hunkered down for some serious studying. Everyone in the school knew that Bijou was smart, but none of them would have guessed how many long late-night hours she put into her studies.

Late into the night, she studied various subjects, increasing her knowledge far beyond the basic concepts they were being taught in school.

At the ripe age of 16, she managed to meet her brother's achievement of maximizing all of his skills. Finally, she felt like she could proudly hold her head up when she joined him at university. There was definitely a Type-A personality way in which Bijou ran her life. She would be the best at EVERYTHING, no matter if it was her looks, her brains, or her friends.

Her parents, who realized that Bijou was pretty much self-sufficient, enjoyed the successful family they'd raised and celebrated however felt right at the moment.
[[Author's Notes: I swear, Bijou is such an anomalous knowledge sim. She brings someone home with her EVERY DAY from school. It amused me that she brought home the three teenagers I was generously given from Liz's Silvervale in a row. She is such a popularity girl. I'm debating right now on whether I will switch her when she hits her junior year in college. I'm worried she'll get something that's totally inappropriate...though with her drive, I suppose ANY LTW would be appropriate. She's rapidly becoming one of my favorite sims. Arnaud and Steffi finally had their Golden Anniversary Party and so they're both perma-plat now. Woohoo! Not sure who will inherit this house yet, but it was a blast to play this round. P.S. Pretend I spelled Bijou's name right on the family pic. -.- ]]
What's your problem!? Does this family even KNOW you!? // Yeeeah, that 2nd LTW isn't going to happen, Steffi. // I LOVE THE DEVIOUS FACE! // Bijou: "You're really cute, but WTF ARE YOU WEARING? NO THANK YOU. ]]
Now my comment is lost again. >:(
And this time don't even remember what I wrote, so I guess it wasn't very important :D
I'm reading everything you write, though!
Haha, no worries. I appreciate the readership! :D
Holy cow... Congrats with Bijou, thats amazing. Are you going to switch her aspiration in college? Congrats to Steffi and Arnaud on their Golden Anniversary, I didn't think Arnaud would be the type to settle down either, but he proved me wrong. It was nice seeing my gals in this entry, Lindsay is beautiful! She is still a child in my game since I'm a slacker and haven't gotten to her house yet, so it's nice to see a preview of her as a teen :)
She's such a little over-achiever. Definitely a Type A personality, but I think it's cute on her. Steffi and Arnaud are probably going to be boring in their elderhood, but that's okay. I always enjoy a sim who gardens, so I'll just send Arnaud to write novels and let Steffi putter in the new greenhouse I built her.
I LOVE LINDSAY'S FACE! I especially like the round cheeks with the tiny little mouth. I think she's unusual and lovely. :) All your girls apparently really like Bijou! I swear, I'll get them into my 'hood if it kills me.
Wow Bijou is totally impressive! Also, fun to see all the Silvervale sims floating around.
Bijou is a force to be reckoned with. Even when I let her be autonomous, her wants were CONSTANTLY to skill, so she just managed to be both a social butterfly AND an A+ student. I can't even imagine how difficult it will be for her to find a man she finds acceptable. She just strikes me as a total whirlwind of a girl!
Haha, I love seeing them too. :) I'm glad Liz and I decided to trade, though I'm sad about that fact that Julio should be floating around somewhere, yet I've NEVER seen him!
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