
Linda Tanaka, Adult Pleasure Sim, 2nd LTW Become Professional Party Guest

Jiro Tanaka, Adult Romance Sim, 2nd LTW Have 20 Simultaneous Lovers
Last round at the Tanaka house, Jiro and Linda were really boring! Homer had gone off to university, leaving his elderly parents to their own devices in the house. Linda played with her hydroponic orchid garden, and Jiro played with the dogs a lot. Otherwise, not much happened. And not that much happens this round either.

With all the free time that retirement provides, Linda really made swift progress on her orchid garden. She tended them multiple times a day, and they were truly beginning to be beautiful examples of the species.

Jiro continued to work on his secondary knowledge aspiration, craving for once in his life the ability to not be stupid. It sorta worked. The one nice thing was that he and Linda were both free to run around in their underwear as much as they wanted, having the house to themselves and all.

The dogs continued to provide an endless source of entertainment, and though neither of them would either be show dogs, both Linda and Jiro enjoyed spending hours teaching them new tricks. The smart pups caught on very quickly.

Linda helped as best she could with Jiro's new knowledge pursuits. Sure, she was a pleasure sim, but that didn't mean she was stupid. Yet again, Jiro found he learned better when in his underpants.

Finally, the time came when Linda's precious orchids were ready to be harvested. She couldn't wait to sell them...though perhaps out of town. No need to inundate her own turf and ruin Rosebud's children with her potent "orchids."

And she had to admit, their fragrance WAS intoxicating. This was the best hobby ever. She planned to head downtown to the big city to make her cash on the harvest. Or maybe she should invest in a nice bubble blower to test out her stock first.

Wait...what? You were really just growing orchids? All that time hydroponically gardening, and all you got was a pot of flowers? ...lame.

Hello, random cute townie with recessive hair. Perhaps you will make it into my challenge someday as the spouse of a red-hair-recessive carrier. See you soon, I hope!

With her newest crop of orchid seeds soaking happily in their nutrient bath, Linda found herself bored. She used to be the queen of the town, as Rosebud's premier professional party guest. She decided to get back into some of that action. She could rule this town once again!

Jiro studied. *yawn*

For all of his studying, though, he still wasn't very smart...or very observant.

At least you didn't pee your pants this time, Jiro. Congratulations. It appears Yuuna is angry because you two haven't been paying your respects and mourning her passing any more these days. Or maybe she's just trying to remind you what's coming up for you and Linda: a one-way trip to spectre-ville.

Linda didn't think she remembered the bottom of the slacker field to be so horrendously filled with common drudgery, but she took it in stride, licking her lips for the day when she would once again be the town's most sought after party guest.

Sadly for her, it seemed no one wanted to invite an old lady to their parties anymore. When her boss unceremoniously informed her that, at her age, she'd never make it above convenience store clerk, she promptly quit her job. Screw them, if they didn't realize she was still hip as ever. At the thought of hips, Linda rubbed her own. It was starting to ache more than usual lately.

Turning her attentions away from posh society's rude disposal of her, Linda turned her eyes homeward again. Homer was due to be graduating soon and would rejoin the house in a few short weeks. She knew how much he loved puppies, so she encouraged Belle and Sebastian to indulge in a little puppy love.

She was met with success. Soon, Belle was in a family way, and weeks later, two new puppies were joining the family.

Linda named them after the ultimate party guests of her generation and could think of nothing more appropriate: Sonny and Cher.

D'awwwwwwww. :)
[[Author's Notes: Lol, for some reason, I love to make fun of these two. They just seem to invite it; they're so silly. Next round, Homer rejoins the household and begins working on his LTW of raising 20 puppies or kittens. He's already got two (Belle and Sebastian), and now he'll have Sonny and Cher as well. I wished I could have gotten him started a little more quickly, but obv. you can't know a kid's LTW until he turns teen. Lame. Anyway, only one blooper for you!
Wtf, Sal, you have something against your much-older brother-in-law? I have no idea what sparked this, but it's another kind of hilarious thing to happen to this household. I'd want to kick their trashcan over too! ]]
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