The Tanakas (C) - Round 5
Last round at the Tanaka C house, Kimi had a few dates with William, whom she met at My Muse, reached her TOC, and got knocked up by old-and-sometimes-current flame Donte Wren. Little Takeru was born at the end of the round. How will Kimi cope with being a single mom? We'll see.

Kimi chose wisely, however, as she always seemed to have the knack to do, and it resulted in her catapulting headlong into her second lifetime goal.

Stay tuned for Arnaud Beaumont in his bachelor pad!
TOC #2 (Kimi): +1
[[Author's Notes: Man. Kimi is superwoman. And she never seems to break a sweat while saving the world. I swear, everything this chick sets her mind to, she achieves very quickly and with very little fuss or hassle. Even parenting, she takes to like a duck to water. It's kind of amazing to see a sim so utterly successful at everything. Kinda eerie, like I suspect some really bad luck due her. I hope not, though. No electrocutions or death by satellite or anything. I think I'm going to move she and Take to a house, though, because the apartment is pretty glitchy. I'll be sad to go - it's a lovely two-floor flat. Sigh. Maybe I can model the new house after the apartment. We'll see. No bloopers for this round! Just a song to be uploaded later.
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TOC #2 (Kimi): +1
[[Author's Notes: Man. Kimi is superwoman. And she never seems to break a sweat while saving the world. I swear, everything this chick sets her mind to, she achieves very quickly and with very little fuss or hassle. Even parenting, she takes to like a duck to water. It's kind of amazing to see a sim so utterly successful at everything. Kinda eerie, like I suspect some really bad luck due her. I hope not, though. No electrocutions or death by satellite or anything. I think I'm going to move she and Take to a house, though, because the apartment is pretty glitchy. I'll be sad to go - it's a lovely two-floor flat. Sigh. Maybe I can model the new house after the apartment. We'll see. No bloopers for this round! Just a song to be uploaded later.
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Congratulations Kimi! Takeru is growing up to be quite a handsome little man. Hopefully his looks will continue to be good.
I hope so! Donte doesn't appear to have terrible genes, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
Takeru is a very handsome little toddler. I guess the "Takeru was not only the apple of her eye, he was the only man she could ever imagine wanting around her all the time" remark means that Donte isn't going to get moved in though. Bummer he won't have a hand in his Son's raising.
Yeah, I like the idea of Kimi being a single mom. It just doesn't suit her personality to be married. She enjoys dating too much, and I really don't want to add another NPC into the 'hood. He can come visit though. They just have such a lovely life, the two of them. Plus, I'm going for a little variety in my family structures so I don't get boring. :p
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