The Vincis (C) - Round 5


Caitlin Cleary, Adult Family Sim, LTW Graduate 3 Children from College

Paolo Vinci, Adult Family Sim, LTW Have 6 Grandchildren


Last round at the Vincis' house, Paolo and Caitlin graduated university and moved into the other half of the duplex where Enzo, Fiona, and Imelda live. They had a simple wedding in the backyard and spent the rest of the round on their honeymoon in the mountains. When they got back home, Caitlin was feeling a bit queasy, a victim of Risky Honeymoon.

As soon as Caitlin and Paolo got back from their honeymoon, Caitlin knew that she was pregnant. Not only was there the morning sickness factor, but the fact that she was exhausted long beyond the limits of simple tiredness after a vacation. She stayed in her pajamas most of the time and napped close to Paolo while he brushed up on his culinary skills. He wanted to be prepared to get a job in the food industry, since cooking was the one thing at which he truly excelled.

It didn't take long before Caitlin was showing, her normally flat belly rounding out gently between her hips. Being pregnant made Caitlin elated. She couldn't wait for them to have their first child. Imelda had been fun as an infant, but she wasn't truly theirs.

She slowly made her way around the house in her new maternity duds, hands frequently coming up to touch the round belly beneath her shirt.

Even Paolo couldn't keep his hands off of it. Helping to raise Imelda had been such a joy that he knew being a parent himself would have to be the greatest joy on earth.

Paolo made sure to take the best care of Caitlin he possibly could, sometimes earning him A Look, albeit a tender look, that said he was being overprotective. He made sure there was a constant supply of Grandma's comfort soup in the refrigerator to heat up whenever she wanted it, along with a ton of other meals he prepared before he went to work and would heat up for her when he got home.

Soon, she was so ponderously heavy with baby, she was waddling around the house, the baby packed onto her tiny frame like a beach ball stuck to a telephone pole. It wouldn't last long, though...

In what felt like no time at all, it was time for the baby. Caitlin endured the pain nobly, but it was almost too much for even her determination to handle.

But a baby was coming, whether she was ready or not, and they were delighted to see that they had been blessed with a brand new baby boy, whom they named Silvio, in honor of the Vinci heritage.

The baby was finally here - their first baby! They could hardly believe that they had made something that was such a perfectly tiny human being.

Ironically, despite his Italian name, Silvio most resembled his mother, with her skin tone and hair color, sharing the green eyes of both of his parents.

It was a dream come true for both of them, and the baby was certain to be spoiled beyond rotten.

Paolo particularly took to being a parent like a fish to water. That little boy barely left his sight when he was within the walls of the house.

When he wasn't within the walls of the house, he was busy tearing up the culinary field, his good nature and inherited cooking talents impressing even the most jaded palates.

But it looked like he was going to have at least one more to take care of in the near future. That's right, Caitlin was pregnant again! They were both delighted and surprised, but again, delighted at the idea. Caitlin herself wanted to have at least three children, so to her, this was just one more step in the right direction.

Bloop! It seemed like in no time she was showing, and she sure felt more tired than the last time. This pregnancy was going to be much rougher, she could tell.

Soon, it was time for their little baby to grow into a toddler. Daddy Paolo brought Silvio lovingly to the cake and helped him blow out the candles.

Before their eyes, he turned into a handsome, cheerful baby who definitely had his father's jawline and perhaps his mother's hair color, perhaps the brown hair of Paolo's father.

It looked like Silvio was going to be fastidiously neat, active, and grumpy. Ouch.

As fall transitioned into winter, Paolo kept leaving tasty goodies in the fridge for his now nearly laid-up wife, and his career continued to progress beautifully. He had earned enough fame and enough money to begin extending his cooking into a chain. His only decision was where to expand.

In a decision that was half smart and half damn lucky, Paolo decided to expand into airports and managed to net himself and his family a cool $55,000. It would go quite a long way to raising their children in a happy and well-provided home.

Up next, the Rosebud teens at uni!



New sim (Silvio) : +1

[[Author's Notes: AHH, I love these little simmies! I was so excited when Caitlin got pregnant so quickly, and now she's pregnant again! This second pregnancy is hitting her like a ton of bricks, and since she and Paolo both have the fertility aspiration bonus, I suspect it will be twins, which is supremely exciting. That means they'll get a quick start on Caitlin's LTW, and then those three kids will have to have two children each, at least, to fulfill Paolo's LTW... AH. This bloodline is already planned out pretty far in advance! But that's okay because it means I can have lots and lots of babies guilt free. :) If the next set born is twins, they'll have to move out of the duplex, which is sad, but I think the other Vinci's could use a home by now too, so it's all good. They can be next door neighbors instead of next apartment neighbors.

This Entry's MP3:

Yeah, go for it, Paolo. Hire a butler for your one-room half of a duplex and see how long it takes him to stop laughing.]]

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The Vincis (B) - Round 5


Fiona Vinci, Adult Family Sim, LTW Raise 20 Puppies or Kittens

Enzo Vinci, Adult Fortune Sim, LTW Become Head of SCIA

Imelda Vinci, Teen Knowledge Sim, LTW Become Space Pirate


Last round, the Vinci parents Fiona and Enzo graduated college and moved into half of a duplex, along with their child daughter Imelda, next to their brother/sister couple Paolo and Caitlin. They adopted two kittens, Pumpkin and Cinnamon; Enzo got a job in his chosen career field; and Imelda aged into a teen. How will they do this round?

The first thing Imelda chose to accomplish in her teen life was to teach Pumpkin how to play dead, which was somewhat confusing for the cat, as her human was acting insane.

It didn't take long for the highly-intelligent Pumpkin to figure out what it was Imelda wanted though, and in no time, the kitty was faking dead as well as a opossum.

There were few things Imelda enjoyed more than snuggling her big puffy cat in praise for doing a good job.

One of those things, however, was jogging on the treadmill. As a rather active young lady, Imelda needed to find outlets for her extreme levels of energy, and working out would not only tire her but also get her fit at the same time.

Meanwhile, Fiona was busy spending time with Cinnamon, the most recent addition to the household. Fiona took raising her kittens as seriously as she did raising Imelda. She was careful to make sure they knew not to beg, not to scratch the furniture, and not to get on the beds. He wasn't quite as smart as Pumpkin, but he learned well enough.

Imelda and Fiona spent a lot of time together alone in the house. It seemed like Enzo's job kept him gone a lot of the time, so the girls and their kitties had plenty of time to remain close, despite Imelda's transition into the notoriously rougher teen years.

In fact, being an only child, Imelda was extremely close to both her parents. Fiona and Enzo had had Imelda so young that the three of them almost seemed to grow up together. Imelda's friends always thought she had the coolest, youngest parents in town. And she felt she truly did.

They even bought her a bass for her 16th birthday because she said, "Everybody who's cool knows how to play an instrument." Enzo understood well enough teenage culture to tease her by asking, "What, you don't want a tuba?" "Daaa-aaaddd," Imelda whinged, though she was grinning at her beloved pops.

And while Imelda was at school, on Enzo's rare days off, Fiona and he had an opportunity to have some dates at home. Usually they started off with the gossip they didn't have time to catch up on other days.

Eventually, though, romance took over and they wound up snuggling and more. The romance certainly wasn't dead in their marriage.

Enzo finished the novel he began his last year of college and it sold wonderfully.

That, of course, set him with the wild idea that he would love to quit and be a writer full-time, staying home with his family, but uh, no. Become head of the SCIA first, Enzo, then I'll let you quit, promise.

Pumpkin and Cinnamon seemed to get along well, with Pumpkin mothering the little kitten as much as Cinnamon would allow. Despite not being the kitten's mother, Pumpkin enjoyed grooming him and keeping a close eye on him.

Fiona, recently accepted into the Rosebud Academy, went off to school every day feeling, frankly, like hot stuff in her uniform thanks to all the working out she was doing.

She was definitely health conscious, but sometimes a bit TOO much so, mistaking zeal for informed decisions. It didn't do her any good to be too enthusiastic, but it taught her a good lesson.

Nevertheless, Imelda's fit form didn't exactly discourage attention from the boys in her school. She frequently and easily made friends, male and female, and brought them home to hang out, since hers was the favorite house for visiting.

That week, Cinnamon grew into a cat, looking quite simply like a more mature version of his kitten self, unlike Pumpkin, whose appearance had changed so drastically.

Enzo continued to be devastatingly handsome.

And Fiona wasted no time in beginning to teach the now-adult Cinnamon some tricks. She was hoping to train both Pumpkin and Cinnamon how to use the toilet so she could eliminate the nasty task of having to clean out the litter pan all the time.

Enzo hit his first snag at work, and the shock of having been wrong in his judgment shook him a bit. He'd always successfully relied on his gut before, and this time it failed him. He wanted to quit his job more than ever, but he knew that he had to plug on and try to redeem his error.

Meanwhile, back at the duplex, Fiona successfully finished training Pumpkin to play dead.

Imelda brought home more friends from school, who thought her parents and her cats were, like, totally rad.

Totally rad, that was, except when Enzo was banging on the wall between theirs and Paolo and Caitlin's bedroom. He was happy they were trying to make a neice or nephew for him, but did he need to HEAR it!?

Enzo's luck continued to fail, and this time the penalty was more severe than a loss of confidence.

This time, Enzo actually came home demoted and thoroughly dejected. Nothing like getting knocked emotionally and literally down a couple of pegs at work.

But at least one Vinci was happy that night.

Stay tuned for the other half of the duplex!



No new points.

[[Author's Notes: This house is fun. I really want Cinnamon and Pumpkin to mate, but I don't think their relationship score is high enough, according to the guides online. They definitely don't give the option of suggesting to "try for kitten" when clicked on. So maybe Fiona will adopt two more kittens from the pound and see if either of those two will mate with either of the two existing cats or with each other. Come on, kitties, Fiona has a LTW to achieve! Imelda is as pleasant as she could be, surprising for a sim with no nice points, and poor Enzo is really hating his job right now. Other than that, not much interesting going on.

This Entry's MP3:

Imelda's want the moment I logged onto the lot. Um, no. // Everybody thinks Kimi is hot. // Linda is a little late to yell at Enzo for spying on her. // The cats stare at Imelda, who is either dancing or swinging from the's hard to tell.]]

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