Author's Note: Apparently, life was SO uneventful in this round that I only took three pictures in the whole round. I recall that Kimi and Takeru spent most of their time skilling, and therefore, you get this slim entry. My apologies.


Kimi Tanaka, Adult Romance Sim, 2nd LTW Become Celebrity Chef

Takeru Tanaka, Teen Fortune Sim, LTW Become The Law
Last round at the Tanaka house, Take and Kimi both had birthdays, Kimi becoming an elder and Takeru becoming a teen. Take had a desire to become friends with his father and subsequently achieved that goal, and Kimi got a gold flower arranging badge. Kimi retired from her position in the culinary field to become a happy and doting elder mother.

One thing Takeru appreciated most about his mom's newest interest and talent at flower arranging was the presence of bouquets that seemed to energize him spread around the house. It made preparing for school seem a lot easier, as the scent of the blossoms kept him alert and sharp.

He was sad about the idea of his impending travels to university, knowing that it would be hard for his mom to be without him. After all, they'd been together, just the two of them, since he'd been born, and he did his best to drag out the time between graduating high school and going to college, even getting a job and claiming he needed some more experience with work before he could be accepted to Sim State. Kimi knew better, but she was happy to have him home, and with quiet selfishness, she excused herself from pushing her only son to get his degree until he was ready.

And so, they spent a great amount of time together: Kimi making loads of bouquets to sell to supplement their income now that she was retired, and Take learning new skills that would aid him at university. Theirs was a mostly unspoken bond that suited their heritage, but one that nonetheless tied them together so tightly that to be apart would be torture for both of them. When Take's time to go to university finally came, it would be incredibly hard, though Kimi looked forward to cheering her son on with his successes and his transition into an adult life.
Nice and quiet round!
Ha, I just played this house in Round 8, and it's equally as quiet! The two of them pretty much skilled/engaged in hobby activities the whole time! I have to admit, I'm not quite sure what to do with my elders once they've achieved all the goals they set out to achieve...
awww Take is such a mama's boy. I'm a little sad that you haven't allowed Donte to move in yet!!!! boooo.
I'm still not certain I'll ever move him in. Kimi is such an independent. She's hardly ever spins up any wants for interaction with anyone other than Take. Maybe when he's gone, she'll get lonesome and I'll move him in, but we'll have to see. I like my independent gal.
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