[[No family portrait, sorry.]]

Guillermo Chan, Adult Family Sim, LTW Marry Off 6 Children
Last time we saw Guillermo, he was proposing to Aurélie Beaumont at his graduation party from university. Since Aurélie isn't done her schooling, Guillermo is determined to buy a home for them and whip it into shape by the time she is ready to graduate and join him. How will he do, being a poor, just-out-of-college student? We'll see.

Upon returning to Rosebud, the first thing Guillermo did was purchase a very cheap, very unfurnished starter home in the more downtown area of Rosebud. It had no furniture, but he spent the tiny amount of money left after the purchase of the property on kitchen appliances and a tiny bit of paint and flooring for the first floor.

The top floor, however, remained desperately underfurnished. With what money was left, he barely had enough to buy a toilet, a cheap locker-room shower, a bed, and a table for the computer Mr. Humble had left him mysteriously on the doorstep. The computer was essential, so he was glad for the gift, because he truly needed some good employment. He took the highest paying job available to him: a job in the dance field. He was glad his college friends couldn't see him now.

Fortunately, thanks to his sharp wit, he managed to make a very wise choice almost his very first day on the job.

He was promptly promoted to Flamenco master, bringing home a lovely paycheck and bonus to help him continue to improve the house.

With a little over six thousand simoleons now in his bank account, he was able to really improve the house, though still not as fast as he would have liked. Time was pressing on his mind.. it had to be a suitable place to live before Aurélie joined him!

Guillermo decided to continue his work on the first floor, adding a kitchen table and at least a couch so they had someplace to sit. The lack of furniture was rather depressing, he thought.

As for the upstairs, he was finally able to buy a proper bed, armoire, and bathroom equipment that didn't look like it belonged in the YMCA locker room. The office and upstairs foyer still had to wait, though.

It wouldn't have to wait for long, however. Guillermo spent most of his days working intently to make sure he was in a position to reach the top of his career, and within a few short weeks, he'd achieved that goal. An almost eight thousand dollar paycheck + bonus allowed him to continue with his home renovations.

The upstairs den and foyer finally got the makeover they desperately needed, and Guillermo finally felt like the place was shaping up enough that at least Aurélie wouldn't feel like she was living in a dump.

There was even enough money to finally start furnishing more thoroughly the ground floor, including getting the second bathroom installed and functioning and getting a few rugs to dress up the place.

He even managed to plant a few small trees and get some lights for the outside of the house so it didn't look like a dark shack. Maybe it wasn't the most beautiful place in the world... and the landscaping could certainly use some work, but he knew now that he could be proud of what he'd accomplished and welcome Aurélie into their new home.
[[Author's Notes: I had SO much fun playing Guillermo by himself! Next round, Aurélie will move in, and this will become a Beaumont residence after they marry (because I don't care so much about the wife always taking the husband's name, and I'm trying to keep the household names identical to the original five surnames). It's been so long since I had a sim who was really poor and had to slowly decorate the house from the bottom up that I forgot how entertaining and rewarding it could be. I can't wait to play them in round 10! Only one blooper:
Guillermo: Ew, old pregnant lady likes me!]]
It really is fun to build a house from the ground up, I did the same thing with Emmett last round, it is nice to see a house progress from completely unfinished to really nice -- especially since the founding households have everything they could possibly need and want. I can't wait to see Guillermo and Aurelie together next round, though I pictured them in a trailer a la "My Name is Earl" ;)
Haha, I could see them in a trailer if it weren't for the fact of how Aurélie grew up. She strikes me as way too snobby to ever deign to live in a trailer, lol.
I can't wait to see if I can achieve the goal we talked about with them this round...should be loads of fun!
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