
Caitlin Vinci, Adult Family Sim, LTW Graduate 3 Children From College

Paolo Vinci, Adult Family Sim, LTW Have 6 Grandchildren

Silvio Vinci, Child ? Sim, LTW Grow Up Well
Last round at the Vincis, Caitlin got pregnant on the Honeymoon and had baby Silvio, followed very shortly by another rapid pregnancy that left her especially exhausted, and both Paolo and Caitlin suspected twins. Were they right?

The first thing the Vinci family did was to purchase a new house. Their siblings, Enzo and Fiona, had moved out of the duplex as well, and now they were across the street instead of next door to each other. It was better for keeping the noise down through the walls too. The new house was essential for their rapidly expanding family.

Caitlin continued to expand, sleeping most of her day away when she wasn't eating or going to the bathroom.

It was a blessing that Paolo had made it to the top of his career because it gave him plenty of free time to spend with Silvio, teaching him all the toddler skills he needed to know.

Silvio very quickly learned how to walk, talk, and, most importantly...

...use the potty.

Caitlin was sad she couldn't spend more time teaching him, but she did get to sing nursery rhymes with him when she felt better after a long nap and a big bowl of comfort soup.

Soon, it was time for Caitlin to go into labor, and it was no surprise to she or Paolo that they were to be blessed with twins.

First born was tiny Liam.

He had green eyes and black hair, and his mother's skin tone.

Second born was little Conor, who also had Caitlin's skin tone, but Paolo's father's brown hair and blue eyes from Caitlin's mother.

They were both handsome little guys, and now Caitlin was even more outnumbered in the ratio of boys to girls in the house!

Before Paolo and Caitlin could catch their breath, it was already time for Silvio's birthday. It wasn't that sad, as Silvio becoming a child meant he could take care of himself a bit more, and with two new infants, that was important.

He grew up into a handsome young man who really loved playing games, especially with his daddy. Silvio seems particularly attached to Paolo, much as he was as an infant and toddler.

Getting Paolo to swing him around was an especially fun treat. And Paolo always made time, despite all the work to be done with the twins, to play with him.

He even got moved from the nursery into his very own big boy bedroom. It was an exciting time to be the oldest in the house.

"So what do you think about having more?" Paolo asked Caitlin that night as they lay in bed, talking. "More?" she laughed, not believing how much he wanted to have a house filled with children. "Yeah," he said, smiling sweetly over at her. I love having a big, busy house, and I love our boys so much...what do you think?" Caitlin thought it over. "No harm in trying again, anyway," she finally agreed. And they did.

Life went on as usual. Paolo spent time helping Silvio with his homework, and Caitlin spent time trying to keep up with the twins, who basically just slept, ate, and pooped at this point.

Silvio learned to study and started bringing home A+ report cards, and again, with what seemed like surprising rapidity, it was time for another set of birthdays.

Liam was first, and Caitlin brought him to his cake.

He grew up into a very handsome toddler who looked a lot like Silvio.

He also had a well-balanced personality, which Paolo and Caitlin would be grateful for.

Little Conor more grown up.

Weird thing: they are different zodiac signs but same personalities. Hm. Is this some sort of bizarre first-born syndrome or some other glitch or just a weirdness of twins? Shouldn't they be the same zodiac sign and different personalities?

This was a frequent scene around the house after the twins' birthday. They ran their parents ragged, and it definitely required both Paolo and Caitlin to get them fully trained in all their necessary toddler skills.

Another frequent sight in the house was this: two screaming toddlers, two exhausted parents, and someone making a face because the potty chair is full.

But the toddlers learned quickly, and Paolo and Caitlin were delighted at seeing them play with their learning toys, now that the most crucial things were out of the way.

Silvio comes home with another A+ and immediately runs to see his mom.

Sadly for Silvio, Caitlin is sacked out in the middle of the day. Hmm...

So instead, he decides to play at his craft table, and when Conor wanders over and starts chewing crayons, the two amicably spend some time together.

Silvio's primary hobby interest is sports! So mom and dad decided to get him a basketball hoop. They figured it would be a good group activity for all the boys to enjoy.

Silvio brought Beth Thayer home from school one day, and the two really hit it off.

It seemed she was a whiz at sports too, and so the two spent a lot of the afternoon tossing every ball they could find.

By the time she had to leave, Silvio knew he'd found a new friend for life.

Paolo finally got the highest achievement possible in his career and was promoted to celebrity chef. That meant he could spend even more time home with the kids, which was right up his alley, to put it mildly.

The toddlers continued to be adorable.

Whoops? Looks like it only took that one try, Caitlin.

Perhaps it was her getting older, or perhaps it was a particularly rough pregnancy, but Caitlin simply could NOT get comfortable with this pregnancy. Paolo made her a huge pot of comfort soup, and that was all she ate for weeks.


Amazingly, it was time for another birthday for the twins, and Caitlin managed to make it out of bed long enough to see it.

Liam went first...

And then Conor.

Caitlin and Paolo had to admit, not only were they blessed with wonderful children, they were blessed with handsome ones too.
[[Author's Notes: Ooooookay, so if you haven't figured it out yet, I'm going for the 10 Kids IW in this house. Paolo and Caitlin are such amazing parents that I couldn't help it, and the kids turn out adorable. ALL BOYS so far though, gah! We need some females in the house! It's a little bit insane trying to keep track of everyone in this house, but I managed only because Caitlin and Paolo seem to have an amazing natural ability to manage the kids. And the kids are amazingly well-behaved too. Um.... I think Conor's primary hobby interest is tinkering, and Liam's is music. That, or vice versa. I have a hard time telling them apart sometimes. This is a fun house. Oh, the names of the twins are a nod to Joss Whedon's series Angel. Liam is Angel's original name, and Conor is Angel's son on the show.
That is the saddest sad face I've ever seen. // I love this toddler interaction. // Did you know toddlers could play with toy boxes? I didn't know toddlers could play with toy boxes, or how mega cute it is. ]]
What lovely boys in this house... hopefully all 10 aren't boys though or the Population of Rosebud is going to be seriously unbalanced. Caitlin is totally an awesome mom, and grats to Paolo for reaching TOC and raising a toddler and twins on top of it all!
Ugh, god, I really hope they aren't all boys. I will go crazy with ten boys, and I'd have to engage some sort of sim Chinese law to get rid of male babies until the balance is settled! No, that's awful, I wouldn't do that. Maybe a lot of gay boys running around though. :p But yes. Pray that Paolo's sperm loses some of that Y-chromosome potency!
Those are good looking boys...and I think the cutest part of toddlers and toyboxes is when they climb in to get the toy.
I knooow!!! The toy box is such an adorable thing to have with toddlers, and I'm so glad I discovered it's not just for kids. :) I love those hacks that make the toy box look like a giant present, too. Supercute.
I never did the 10 kids IW, I think I would die trying!
So far, so good in this case, though I have to admit, it's a little bit terrifying!!! I've never done the 30 Loves IW. I think that one seems insane. :p
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