
Armand Beaumont, Elder Family Sim, 2nd LTW Marry Off 6 Children

Cooper Bigfoot, Adult Bigfoot, 2nd LTW Become Media Magnate

Alexandre Beaumont, Adult Knowledge Sim, 2nd LTW Max Out 7 Skills
Last time at the Beaumont house, Alexandre achieved his first LTW of Becoming a City Planner and promptly got a job in the Natural Science Career. Armand hung on despite all odds, outliving his wife by more than an entire round and change. He also took a great interest in Arts & Crafts and Music & Dance to fill his time...in addition to having a one-night stand with lifelong friend Samantha Ottomas. Cooper and Alexandre pretty much just hovered around him in fear that he would keel over at any minute. Let's see how long Armand can hang on this round.

Armand, at 83 years old, was the oldest sim ever left living in the town of Rosebud. The fact that he was one of the original founders made this only more bittersweet because his loved ones knew that he wasn't long for this world. Cooper and Alex especially dreaded the day he would no longer be around. Cooper credited Armand with saving him from the forest and welcoming him into the Beaumont home, and he tried every day to make sure that he expressed his great appreciation for this fact.

Armand decided that he really wanted to adopt a new puppy after the death of Abbey, and of course, Cooper and Alex indulged his every wish.

Thus, Maxx, renamed "Mojo," came to join the Beaumont house. It had been a long time since Cooper and Alex had seen Armand this happy.

Sadly for his family and especially for himself, Armand would not live to see Mojo grow into an adult dog. His time had finally come to an end, at an astonishing 84 years old.

"Who, me?" Armand seemed to resist the idea of leaving his corporeal existence behind at first, especially because Alex was wailing already just beyond the smoky spectre of death.

But when he saw the Mai Tai in Death's hand and realized this meant he could rejoin his beloved Adelaide, he knew that his time on earth was over, and it was okay if he was meant to go.

As Death kindly ushered Armand from one world into the next, Armand whispered words of encouragement to his bereaved son. "I'll keep an eye on you with your Maman, " he said, sad to leave Alex but knowing that this was the proper course of events.

Alex was completely devastated. No matter how much money his father left behind, it didn't matter. He had always been a bit of a ninny, as the kids had called him, but he loved his parents. Was that so wrong? Nevertheless, he was grateful, at least, to still have Cooper in his childhood home to keep him company. He knew that Cooper, too, was devastated by the loss of Adelaide and Armand.

They decided to place Armand's ashes right next to Adelaide's, in their former bedroom, so they could be together forever now. Goodbye, guys. :'(

To take his mind off the sadness of having lost his last living parent, Alex decided to wander outside and contemplate the universe for a while. Unfortunately, his peaceful contemplation was not to be.

Alex: "...........are you serious??
REALLY???? Can't I get a break?
Bye, Alexandre. :[

After the traditionally long period of absence, during which no one in the household noticed he was gone, Alex was finally returned and unceremoniously dumped on the front lawn of his house.

Cooper, despite having not noticed Alex's absence, was delighted when he came back. Alex himself wasn't entirely unhappy about the situation, now that he was home safe with his feet on solid Rosebud ground again. Actually, knowing that he had been guaranteed safety, he was kind of excited at the idea that he'd actually met aliens!

He immediately ran to the "study" in order to read up on all legitimate research that had been done on extra-terrestrials. While studying theories on the diet of aliens, he managed to gain the final skill point needed to achieve his second lifetime want.

He thought that next, he might want to join Connor in his career...journalism. After all, he had tons of knowledge and experience; why not write about it?

Unfortunately, Alex's life seemed to be following a very distinct pattern: good news, bad news, good news, bad news. After the good news of achieving another lifetime goal, the bad news he next encountered was a touch of a stomach bug. There was NOTHING pleasant about praying to the porcelain god.

Connor came home with another promotion, as was typical for him, but he brought along a colleague in the field so that Alex could speak with her and learn some of the ins-and-outs of the job. Also, it never hurt to make connections. After all, it was all about
who you knew, not
what you knew.
Thanks to Alex's job in the natural science career, the Beaumont residence now had a cow plant. I decided we should put this cow plant to good use.

Goodbye, Old Townie. It's nothing personal; we just have too many ancient people running around the 'hood.
Connor continued to rock out, bringing home more and more promotions and bonuses. The Beaumont house was truly in possession of a mint now.

Connor found that sometimes his bones gave a bit of an ache where previously they never did. So since there was a nice source of some revitalization of the lot, he decided to partake of a nice Old Townie Milkshake.

Later in the season, we saw Armand for the first time. He was happy and innocuous as he floated around the lot, showing the most enthusiasm for the fact that his bed still remained. Go bed!

Alex, craving family time, invited over his sister Aurélie to spend time. Unfortunately, she seemed to have the same stomach bug that was apparently going around the neighborhood. Alex couldn't wait until they were all better and back to the relative normalcy of life without their parents.
[[Author's Notes: So Armand finally kicked it. Rest in peace, old buddy. You were never one of my favorite sims, but your sheer determination to live longer than 100% of the Rosebud population has so far won you a spot in my heart. On another subject, Alex has absolutely zero wants for any kind of romantic relationship, nor does he have even a crush on someone, according to ACR's adjuster. So what do you do when there is a single knowledge sim in a house with a need to procreate? You toss him to the Pollination Technicians, obviously! I can't wait to see how Alex's baby/babies turn out. :) Other than these two things, the round was pretty uneventful. Stick around for elderly Craig and Gretchen next. :)
Poor Alex. He might be excited about missing aliens, but the tricks they played with him only made him crave a hug. // Really? I just... yeah, okay, whatever. // Oopsie. These default replacements have no preggers mesh. He really is pregnant, I swear!! // I think my reaction to seeing my sibling turn into a werewolf would involve more than "being shocked." For example, it might include "Running for my own life." ]]
Alien baby is of course the only answer to a non-romantic Knowledge sim! It will be great :)
I'm especially excited because I have those new default replacement Pollination Technicians. It's always so exciting to see which of the four is going to be the parent of the babies! :)
RIP Justin Timber... I mean Armand, he really was around for a long time. OMFG... it's so perfect that Alex got abducted! Squuueeee I can't wait to see the alien bay-behs!!!!!
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