
Bastian Beaumont, Young Adult Knowledge Sim, LTW Become Game Designer

Zadie Villalobos, Young Adult Fortune Sim, LTW Become Chief of Staff

Homer Tanaka, Young Adult Family Sim, LTW Raise 20 Puppies or Kittens

Marc Beaumont, Young Adult Popularity Sim, LTW Become The Law

Grace Vinci, Young Adult Fortune Sim, LTW Become Hall of Famer

Leah Vinci, Young Adult Family Sim, LTW Become Education Minister

Giovanni Vinci, Young Adult Fortune Sim, LTW Become Chief of Staff

Gina Vinci, Young Adult Knowledge Sim, LTW Become Space Pirate
Last time we were at the Urele Cham house, Bastien Beaumont and Gemma Vinci got in a little too much woohoo action, and Gemma gave birth to oops baby Puck Vinci. Zadie gardened and Homer worked out and played darts while the rest of the house entertained themselves with gratuitous amounts of woohoo. Leo, the unappreciated and socially awkward Vinci sibling, paid a cool five grand to the gypsy matchmaker, who paired him up with local shopgirl Michelle Kearney. Leo finally got his first kiss his final semester of college, engaged in some shocking graduation party woohoo with Zadie before graduating. Bastian earned a gold sewing badge and Zadie earned a gold gardening badge, and at the end of the round,Homer and Willow did the naughty at the graduation party, and Leo, Taye, Willow, and Gemma left university forever. This round, juniors Zadie, Homer, and Bastian are joined by incoming freshmen Gina, Gio, Grace, Leah, and Marc. I expect plenty more unadvised woohoo. Let's check in with them, shall we?

It was that time of year again, when the elderly parents of Rosebud had to tearfully say goodbye to their progeny as they strode forth heedlessly into the university world of unprotected woohoo, "special" punch, bubble blowers, streakers, and unlimited amounts of pizza. Since there are so many newcomers, let's introduce our incoming cast of freshmen with their new makeovers...

Marc Beaumont
Son of Alain and Meadow Beaumont
Political Science Major

Giovanni Vinci
Son of Paolo and Caitlin Vinci
Biology Major

Gina Vinci
Daughter of Paolo and Caitlin Vinci
Literature Major

Leah Vinci
Daughter of Fiona and Enzo Vinci
Psychology Major

Grace Vinci
Daughter of Fiona and Enzo Vinci
Drama Major
It would be a Vinci-filled few years at the Urele Cham house.

Taking a cue from the previous round's oops-babymama, all three of the incoming girls went together to health services to make sure there would be no more oopses in the greek house.

And it was a good thing they did, as the Vinci twins immediately jumped into bed with the remaining male upperclassmen in the greek house. Homer and Bastian appreciated the sort of power being juniors in a house full of freshmen girls presented them.

As for Gio, despite being probably the sexiest guy in the house, he preferred to spend his time making sure that his grades would be good enough to let him remain at sim state throughout the duration of his collegiate education.

The first semester, despite being filled with lots of activities that didn't necessarily include studying, ended well, the upperclassmen all entering the second semester of their junior year on the Dean's List, and the underclassmen successfully surviving their first semester of college with the same result.

The house began to get closer, and not just with their naughty bits. Friendships started to develop amongst the young adults, who may not have necessarily hung out in high school but who became friends now in their co-ed greek society. (Pictured: Marc Beaumont and Grace Vinci)

And holy crap, look at that, it took Grace the entire semester to paint that portrait, and the second year of this round's university experience commences.

Bastian and Zadie decided to celebrate their new-found senior status by getting it on in the hot tub. Frankly, it seemed like a perfectly predictable method of celebration for the Urele Cham house.

Marc, unimpressed with the buffet at the Urele Cham house, decided to go out into the larger world of a la carte dating on the Sim State campus.

He met with mixed results...there were some cute girls out there, but ultimately, none of them really lit his fire, so to speak, despite the incredibly large selection.

Meanwhile, back at the greek house, Zadie continued the celebration of her seniorhood with her remaining fellow senior, Homer, whom she'd deflowered in round 11. She had to admit, there was something kind of charming about Homer. Maybe she'd look him up after college.

Unbeknownst to anyone in the house, there was a little bit more under the surface of events than simple scratching of an itch. Leah, the sweet but tough little family sim, found that Bastian was a man she felt she could be with for a long time...maybe forever.

These feelings were quickly dispelled when she happened to overhear him flirting with Gina Vinci once night after dinner. Bastian wasn't sure exactly what had happened, though whether it was from typical male obliviousness to the emotions of the females around him or due to the concussion caused by the force of Leah's slap was uncertain.

Despite the whirlwind of hormones that was the Urele Cham house, time plodded on, and the students managed to keep their grades up as the semesters passed, primarily through group cram sessions and the feverish rush to finish term papers that marked each passing semester.

Bastian finally got it through his thick male skull that Leah had been angry because she loved him. He tried desperately to make it up to her.

Leah accepted his apology.

Unexpectedly, that same night, a strange man came in a suit and abducted Marc. No one in the house had witnessed this kind of activity on campus before, so they could only assume that Marc's many trips "to the park to scope the ladies" actually were forays into some sort of illegal behavior that caused him to be arrested.

Fortunately, assumptions of his supposed nefarious deeds were incorrect, however, and Marc was actually just being inducted into the campus secret society. He was thrilled. The girls weren't that pretty, but it was totally easy to dupe those blue bloods out of their money at the poker table.

He felt like a real big man on campus; after all, thanks to his socialization around campus and his fresh induction into the secret society, people everywhere seemed to know him...as a humble junior, this was the best news a popularity sim could get.

That's right: another semester had passed. The underclassmen were now upperclassmen, and the house was about to lose its venerated "elders."

With the achievement of graduating, the now degreed adults were a bit terrified at the prospect of rejoining the adult world, and they began more closely examining their feelings...not as irresponsible college students, but as an adult should think about life...

It quickly became apparent to both Zadie and Homer that Leah wasn't the only one with a little love connection going on. They both cared about one another more than they'd expected...and perhaps this was a hint as to where their futures might be.

Thus, we meet the next generation of Rosebud adults. Bastian Beaumont.

Homer Tanaka.

And Zadie Villalobos. See you back in the 'hood, guys.
[[Author's Notes: I actually had a lot of fun writing this update for a change. The greek house was pretty insane this round with such a full house, and I pretty much gave up on trying to prevent people from having woohoo with individuals I didn't think would make good potential future partners for one another. Zadie and Homer surprised me, so if they have wants for one another when they get back to Rosebud, I might allow them to hook up. Not sure how their genes will work together, but it should be interesting if nothing less. I think that Gio and Gina Vinci were my favorites in terms of looks this year. I was rather shocked at how good they both looked. Guess Paolo's face structure on a girl wasn't as catastrophic as I thought! Not much else to say, but I do have a few bloopers for you.
Meadow, it might be easier to just install hidden video cameras in the house if you want to keep tabs on Marc. // The nerd parade that was the initial arrival of the freshman class at Sim State. Desperately in need of makeovers, y/y? // Literally occurred about five minutes after they started talking. Perhaps this is sim destiny...love at first sight? ]]
Wow those Vinci children are quite lookers. I'm pretty stoked about the potential between the two couples... It's nice when things work out even when they're not necessarily planned. I especially can't wait to see what happens with Zadie and Homer. Also, Congrats on Marc's big sim on campus, I suck at popularity achievements, lol.
I am so excited about that! I mean, I knew that the twins would look just like Imelda and therefore be gorgeous, but I was totally thrilled about Gio and Gina. Remember how ugly Gina was as a toddler? She's turned into such a pretty girl! I'm delighted, 'nuff said.
I really can't think of a reason Zadie and Homer shouldn't hook up back in Rosebud, but I'm going to make an attempt to follow their wants instead of trying to force-match them.
I didn't even try for Big Sim on Campus! It was just Marc wanting to constantly meet new people that caused it, I guess. I never try for that stuff anymore, so it was a nice surprise. :p
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