
Conor Vinci, Adult Family Sim, LTW Graduate 3 Children From University

Liam Vinci, Adult Popularity Sim, LTW Become Captain Hero

Frances Vinci, Adult Family Sim, LTW Marry Off 6 Children

Jenny Vinci, Adult Popularity Sim, LTW Become Media Magnate
Last round at the Vinci compound, the twins Conor and Liam moved into the shell of the house they'd had built fresh out of college. They were poor enough that they couldn't afford to put anything in but a toilet and a phone, but as soon as they moved in their fiancées, Frances and Jenny, they had enough to finally buy necessities like a refrigerator. Frances and Conor couldn't wait to get married and rushed down to city hall for an informal joining. All four adults got jobs and received great promotions, though only Liam succeeded in getting his chosen career path. The boys continued to be best buddies, and the girls sort of had to get to know each other pretty quickly. At the end of the round, Frances revealed to Conor that she was pregnant with their first child. It proved to be a rather insane, though entertaining, house. Let's see how they do this round!

Conor started the round off in true Conor fashion: by being a responsible adult and picking up yet another promotion in the education field, thereby shooting him to the top of the ladder: education minister. He had to admit, it wasn't a bad gig, and he liked being around the kids. He thought he might just stick with it.

Besides, the education career, in the lower eschelons, wasn't very profitable, but it could be very lucrative in the higher-up stages. There was a lot of corruption at this level, but Conor was determined to be one of the good guys and earn his salary while doing what was best for the children of Rosebud. After all, his own unborn child was about to become one of them.

As time started passing, the four adults found themselves mixing and matching in their interactions a bit more. Liam was particularly good about making sure his twin's pregnant wife had food when she got hungry, and the two of them began to hit it off quite nicely.

The girls, too, started to get closer. With Frances on maternity leave and Jenny working mostly nights, they started to enjoy their morning ritual of watching Good Morning Simerica in their pajamas after the boys went off to work.

Of course, the twins were still as inseparable as they could be given the fact that they were both employed. Sharing a house together was the best idea they'd ever had.

Liam spent a great deal of his time studying, when he wasn't at work. He'd slacked off a bit more than his older brother in college, and now he was trying desperately to make up for it. If he wanted to make it to Captain Hero, he had to be in top condition, both mentally and physically.

Jenny, too, continued to focus primarily on her work. She and Liam wanted a family eventually, but they were in no rush the way Conor and Frances were. They both wanted to make sure they had enough money in the bank and enough maturity to be ready to make the sort of sacrifices having a child would entail. Even though Jenny wasn't in the journalism track, where she would have preferred to be, she had to confess that the entertainment field was...well, entertaining. She enjoyed it and the promotions she brought home.

While Jenny and Liam were focusing on their careers, Frances had a sudden
keen focus on her and Conor's impending family...because it was about to start right now!

In the upstairs bathroom, a beautiful little baby girl was born with brown eyes and Conor's mom Caitlin's red hair. It was a lovely surprise, and they named her Lucia.

They already had the nursery prepared by the time she arrived, all decorated in unisex baby colors since they'd chosen not to know the sex of the baby before she was born.

Conor, of course, was a doting father to his new little girl. He could hardly believe the miracle he and Frances had created together, and though he didn't want to admit it, he couldn't wait to perform that miracle again. Family sims, go figure.

The twins called over their parents to come see their new grandchild, and Paolo especially was delighted. He'd always wanted an elderhood filled with bouncing baby grandchildren, and his joy in Lucia was apparent.

In fact, everyone in the house seemed to fall under Lucia's spell. All the adults in the house doted on her massively, and she was never short on willing volunteers to feed her a warm bottle.

Jenny continued to get promotions at work, though every night she continued to hunt for jobs in the journalism field that would allow her to achieve her ultimate lifetime goal.

Liam, too, in between working and taking care of Lucia, continued to study hard as well in his effort to become Captain Hero. He and Jenny had finally agreed that they wanted to reach their lifetime goals before they even started of thinking about having a family.

Unfortunately, this was apparently not in the universe's plan for them.

Bye, Liam. I'm very angry at you for being abducted, you know.

And now you're back. Great.

Yeah, yeah. Just wait until you figure out what it was those aliens did to you while you were up in space.

Conor, despite really wishing there was a paternity leave for fathers too, went back to work to bring home the bacon, so to speak. He continued trying to make the best decisions for the educational community with vigor now that Lucia had been born, and his efforts were appreciated by the town, the government, educators everywhere, and the parents of Rosebud. He was rewarded handsomely.

Frances, too, eventually went back to work, but it wasn't so awful to leave Lucia at home knowing that she would be with Uncle Liam and Aunt Jenny - there would be no babysitters for her children, only time spent with extended family.

And speaking of Aunt Jenny, one night while browsing through the want ads online, she finally spotted a position that made her heart leap: Horoscope writer. Sure, it wasn't exactly glamorous, but it would help her get her foot in the door, and that was all she needed. She snatched it up immediately and went to bed excited for her new position to start the next day.

The celebration didn't end there, however. It was time for baby Lucia's first birthday, and the family gathered around to watch Frances help blow her little girl's candles out.

Conor and Frances were startled by their beautiful little girl, now a toddler. Her red hair shone as brightly as Caitlin's, and her warm brown eyes stared up into those of the same shade possessed by her mother.

Lucia was definitely going to have a bit of "first born" syndrome, it was apparent. Conor and Liam joked that Silvio definitely had the same petulance, so it only made sense that it ran in the family. But Lucia was also shy and serious, with a serious playful streak and a distaste for messes. It could have been worse, and the whole family loved her no matter if she was mean as a snake.

Conor immediately set to work taking care of his little girl, which was his greatest joy in life these days. Being the educator, he especially loved taking a hands-on approach to teaching, and it was a miracle watching Lucia begin to process the things he was showing her.

Later that season, Jenny came home with her first promotion in her new field. She was now a sports columnist. She didn't care about sports so much, but she was an honest to goodness columnist! Before long, she'd be the most famous media figure in Rosebud, and she'd do it even if it killed her.

Frances and Liam shared in Jenny's good luck (or perhaps it was just reward for hard work). She managed to become a UFO Investigator, and for the first time since she'd started this job, she really felt interested in it. After what had happened to Liam, she finally felt a passion for really exploring this aspect of her career.

Liam's promotion was the final one he'd been waiting for, and now he was, like his brother, a towering pillar of the community. He'd become Captain Hero. If he could keep his family safe and Conor could keep his family well-educated, Liam thought that between the two of them, they could really make Rosebud an even better place in which to live than it had been all along.

And it was a good thing... Liam suddenly realized his promotion had come none too soon...and that Frances' new job could potentially come in very handy over the next nine months.
[[Author's Notes: Sigh, this house. It will always take me ages to blog because I always have a billion pictures, but I don't even care. I'm just delighted every time I play them. Things I was excited about this round: Lucia having Caitlin's hair color (yay!), Liam reaching TOC (yippee for permaplat!), Jenny finally getting into the journalism career ('bout time). Things I was not excited about this round: LIAM GETTING ABDUCTED. What. the. hell. I'm almost going to have to install the 'more than 8 sims per lot' hack if Frances will ever achieve her LTW and if I ever want Liam and Jenny to have natural children together instead of alien spawn. Sigh. If I do install it, I'm not going to make it a habit to have enormous houses, but I'm leaning toward yes on this one. Darn you, Liam/aliens!!! Anyway, only one blooper for you, and then we move on to the last house in this round, the newly formed Vinci G house (Gemma, Willow, and Gemma's lovechild with Bastian Beaumont, Puck).
Yes, Frances, I can see how fun that task is and how that might cause you to realize your undiscovered desire to tinker. ]]
I vote for Lotfullofsims, too. How realistic is it that you cannot get pregnant just because there are 8 people in the house?
With a reasonable processor it's not too much problems with lagging either (unless it snows! :D)
Haha, well, thanks to the events that will occur in round 13, now I'm going to HAVE to download that hack. Spoiler: Thanks a lot, game, for giving me my first natural alien TWINS. >:O
Wow... so much going on in this house. Little Lucia looks a lot like her daddy, and YAY for recessive genes! I totally vote for the more sims hack, it makes things interesting (hey at least you can control your massive households and it's not an ISBI!). I can't wait to see Liam's alien spawn, you know I lubs the little green babies.
Haha, I know, and it's about to get crazier. :p I think she looks like Conor too, which is cool! I hope some of Frances' genetics get in there too, though.
Liam's little green spawn are products of the Kinsey PT. So very cute slanty eyes and perhaps elf ears, yay! My first in the game!
Definitely want to keep the twins together rather than separating the houses? Seems like it will be constantly busy! But it's a fun group.
I know, it's total insanity. Especially if I shoot for the marry off 6 kids ltw. I look at it as an experiment in how long it takes for me to lose my marbles while trying to raise toddlers pretty much non stop. :p
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